Terra diatomácea, 7.23 oz (205 g) Frasco

10970<p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Diatomaceous Earth &mdash;&nbsp;A Versatile Natural Product</h2> <p>Diatomaceous Earth is truly an amazing and versatile natural product! This naturally-occurring soft sedimentary rock is created from the fossilized remains of algae called diatoms. It is easily crumbled into a fine white powder that is a must-have in any home!</p> <p>Non-toxic and safe around humans and animals, Piping Rock&#39;s Diatomaceous Earth is chemical codex food-grade. Diatomaceous Earth food grade can be used as a natural deodorizer, as a non-toxic cleaner, as a beauty product, in the garden, and more!</p> <h2>Our Piping Rock Promise</h2> <p>We proudly offer you our luxurious selection of beauty &amp; personal care products at the best value in the industry. Try our best-selling hyaluronic acid and collagen serums, a variety of skin creams, lip balms, and other beauty favorites like coconut oil and body oils. We have you covered from head to toe! Our premium formulas are crafted using environmentally-friendly practices with cruelty-free testing and rigid safety standards. Discover your most beautiful self today with exceptional beauty products at Piping Rock!</p> <div>&nbsp;</div> <h2>Piping Rock Quality</h2> <p>Our beauty and personal care formulas are perfected with premium-sourced ingredients and crafted in our own GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified facilities. We verify Piping Rock products with third-party, FDA-registered agencies to ensure quality &amp; purity. We guarantee outstanding purity, potency, safety, and innovation with every product we manufacture.</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">&nbsp;</h2>
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Terra diatomácea, 7.23 oz (205 g) Frasco

10970<p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Diatomaceous Earth &mdash;&nbsp;A Versatile Natural Product</h2> <p>Diatomaceous Earth is truly an amazing and versatile natural product! This naturally-occurring soft sedimentary rock is created from the fossilized remains of algae called diatoms. It is easily crumbled into a fine white powder that is a must-have in any home!</p> <p>Non-toxic and safe around humans and animals, Piping Rock&#39;s Diatomaceous Earth is chemical codex food-grade. Diatomaceous Earth food grade can be used as a natural deodorizer, as a non-toxic cleaner, as a beauty product, in the garden, and more!</p> <h2>Our Piping Rock Promise</h2> <p>We proudly offer you our luxurious selection of beauty &amp; personal care products at the best value in the industry. Try our best-selling hyaluronic acid and collagen serums, a variety of skin creams, lip balms, and other beauty favorites like coconut oil and body oils. We have you covered from head to toe! Our premium formulas are crafted using environmentally-friendly practices with cruelty-free testing and rigid safety standards. Discover your most beautiful self today with exceptional beauty products at Piping Rock!</p> <div>&nbsp;</div> <h2>Piping Rock Quality</h2> <p>Our beauty and personal care formulas are perfected with premium-sourced ingredients and crafted in our own GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified facilities. We verify Piping Rock products with third-party, FDA-registered agencies to ensure quality &amp; purity. We guarantee outstanding purity, potency, safety, and innovation with every product we manufacture.</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">&nbsp;</h2>
4.6 out of 5 stars. 48 Comentários de clientes
48 Comentários de clientes48
Tamanho: 1 | 7.23 oz (205 g) Frasco - Em stock
Superior Quality Image
Todos os preços incluem impostos
Garantia de 1 Ano de 100% de Satisfação com Zero Risco
Fabricado nos EUA,

Mais Informações

Diatomaceous Earth — A Versatile Natural Product

Diatomaceous Earth is truly an amazing and versatile natural product! This naturally-occurring soft sedimentary rock is created from the fossilized remains of algae called diatoms. It is easily crumbled into a fine white powder that is a must-have in any home!

Non-toxic and safe around humans and animals, Piping Rock's Diatomaceous Earth is chemical codex food-grade. Diatomaceous Earth food grade can be used as a natural deodorizer, as a non-toxic cleaner, as a beauty product, in the garden, and more!

Our Piping Rock Promise

We proudly offer you our luxurious selection of beauty & personal care products at the best value in the industry. Try our best-selling hyaluronic acid and collagen serums, a variety of skin creams, lip balms, and other beauty favorites like coconut oil and body oils. We have you covered from head to toe! Our premium formulas are crafted using environmentally-friendly practices with cruelty-free testing and rigid safety standards. Discover your most beautiful self today with exceptional beauty products at Piping Rock!

Piping Rock Quality

Our beauty and personal care formulas are perfected with premium-sourced ingredients and crafted in our own GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified facilities. We verify Piping Rock products with third-party, FDA-registered agencies to ensure quality & purity. We guarantee outstanding purity, potency, safety, and innovation with every product we manufacture.


Terra diatomácea 100% pura

Utilização sugerida:

Como um desodorante natural: • Polvilhe DE suficiente para cobrir levemente o fundo da lata de lixo. Reponha quando o lixo for levado para fora. • Coloque 1/2 - 1 xícara de DE na geladeira. • Adicione 2 a 3 colheres de sopa de DE à sacola ou ao reservatório do seu aspirador de pó. • Misture 1/4 - 1/2 xícara de DE à caixa de areia do gato para desodorizar e também para concentrar umidade. • Polvilhe uma pequena quantidade de DE em sapatos ou equipamentos esportivos com odor forte, deixe descansar durante a noite e limpe na manhã seguinte. Como um produto de limpeza não tóxico: • Misture DE com sabão e algumas gotas de vinagre, formando uma pasta que pode ser usada como esfoliante leve para ambiente doméstico. • Borrife DE sobre manchas em carpete molhado para absorver a umidade. Não esfregue. Deixe descansar por não mais que 2 horas e depois passe o aspirador. • Combine DE e água até formar uma pasta. Aplique uma pequena quantidade a um pano macio e use para polir talheres, ouro, prata e joias. • Remova manchas esfregando os pontos manchados com DE seco, usando um pano macio. Como um produto de beleza: • Crie sua própria máscara facial através da combinação de DE com água pura, misturando até um formar uma pasta. Aplique sobre a pele e deixe por até 5 minutos antes de enxaguar com água morna. • Melhore sua manicure caseira fazendo uma imersão das unhas, combinando DE com água e seu óleo essencial favorito. No jardim: • Use como complemento para o solo, colocando os suplementos minerais de DE para enriquecer o solo. As propriedades de retenção de umidade do DE também ajudam a manter a umidade leve do solo arenoso. • Misture 1/2 xícara de DE com 2 litros de água, mexendo bem. Use uma escova macia para cobrir as folhas das plantas para combater o problema de pragas. Mantenha crianças e animais de estimação distantes por 2 a 3 horas após a aplicação. • Preserve e armazene bulbos de flor polvilhando levemente com DE antes de colocar em um saco permeável. Pendure o saco em um local seco para proporcionar o fluxo de ar ideal.


Este produto é vendido por peso e não por volume. Pode ocorrer a sedimentação.


Não destinado ao consumo humano. Não inale o produto. Se usar este produto por períodos prolongados de tempo, use uma máscara de proteção para evitar irritação respiratória. Use conforme a orientação. Pare de usar no caso ocorra irritação respiratória, do olho ou da pele e contate o seu médico se a irritação persistir.

A paixão pela qualidade da PipingRock é garantida pelo seu sistema interno de testes analíticos avançados

A PipingRock garante uma qualidade superior aos produtos porque ela mesma projeta, fabrica e testa os suplementos em suas instalações ultra-modernas.

Compromisso Zero Transgênicos

Na PipingRock, a sua saúde é prioridade absoluta. Organismos Genéticamente Modificados (transgênicos) estão presentes em muitos suplementos dietéticos, mesmo que não haja comprovação de segurança no consumo. A PipingRock está comprometida em adicionar continuamente uma ampla gama de produtos não-transgênicos, fornecendo qualidade premium sem nenhum risco potencial de modificação genética.

Satisfação 100% Garantida

Temos um compromisso com a qualidade dos nossos produtos. Se você não estiver satisfeito(a) com seu produto PipingRock por quaisquer motivos, emitiremos um reembolso de acordo com nossa Política de Devolução.

Terra diatomácea, 7.23 oz (205 g) Frasco

10970<p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Diatomaceous Earth &mdash;&nbsp;A Versatile Natural Product</h2> <p>Diatomaceous Earth is truly an amazing and versatile natural product! This naturally-occurring soft sedimentary rock is created from the fossilized remains of algae called diatoms. It is easily crumbled into a fine white powder that is a must-have in any home!</p> <p>Non-toxic and safe around humans and animals, Piping Rock&#39;s Diatomaceous Earth is chemical codex food-grade. Diatomaceous Earth food grade can be used as a natural deodorizer, as a non-toxic cleaner, as a beauty product, in the garden, and more!</p> <h2>Our Piping Rock Promise</h2> <p>We proudly offer you our luxurious selection of beauty &amp; personal care products at the best value in the industry. Try our best-selling hyaluronic acid and collagen serums, a variety of skin creams, lip balms, and other beauty favorites like coconut oil and body oils. We have you covered from head to toe! Our premium formulas are crafted using environmentally-friendly practices with cruelty-free testing and rigid safety standards. Discover your most beautiful self today with exceptional beauty products at Piping Rock!</p> <div>&nbsp;</div> <h2>Piping Rock Quality</h2> <p>Our beauty and personal care formulas are perfected with premium-sourced ingredients and crafted in our own GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified facilities. We verify Piping Rock products with third-party, FDA-registered agencies to ensure quality &amp; purity. We guarantee outstanding purity, potency, safety, and innovation with every product we manufacture.</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">&nbsp;</h2>
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Terra diatomácea, 7.23 oz (205 g) Frasco

10970<p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Diatomaceous Earth &mdash;&nbsp;A Versatile Natural Product</h2> <p>Diatomaceous Earth is truly an amazing and versatile natural product! This naturally-occurring soft sedimentary rock is created from the fossilized remains of algae called diatoms. It is easily crumbled into a fine white powder that is a must-have in any home!</p> <p>Non-toxic and safe around humans and animals, Piping Rock&#39;s Diatomaceous Earth is chemical codex food-grade. Diatomaceous Earth food grade can be used as a natural deodorizer, as a non-toxic cleaner, as a beauty product, in the garden, and more!</p> <h2>Our Piping Rock Promise</h2> <p>We proudly offer you our luxurious selection of beauty &amp; personal care products at the best value in the industry. Try our best-selling hyaluronic acid and collagen serums, a variety of skin creams, lip balms, and other beauty favorites like coconut oil and body oils. We have you covered from head to toe! Our premium formulas are crafted using environmentally-friendly practices with cruelty-free testing and rigid safety standards. Discover your most beautiful self today with exceptional beauty products at Piping Rock!</p> <div>&nbsp;</div> <h2>Piping Rock Quality</h2> <p>Our beauty and personal care formulas are perfected with premium-sourced ingredients and crafted in our own GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified facilities. We verify Piping Rock products with third-party, FDA-registered agencies to ensure quality &amp; purity. We guarantee outstanding purity, potency, safety, and innovation with every product we manufacture.</p> <h2 class="body-more-heading-third">&nbsp;</h2>
4.6 out of 5 stars. 48 Comentários de clientes
48 Comentários de clientes48
Tamanho: 1 | 7.23 oz (205 g) Frasco - Em stock

Nossos clientes amam o valor e qualidade da PipingRock!

4.6rate(48) Comentários de clientes

Classificações e Comentários (48)

4.6 out of 5 stars. 48 Comentários de clientes
48 Comentários de clientes
5 estrela
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1-8 de 48 Comentários de clientes
5 out of 5 stars.
Jan 24, 2016
Comentários 13
Voto 97
Sexo Feminino
Idade 45 a 54
EXTREMELY useful, non-toxic and concentrated!
This is a very useful substance that can be used to kill plant pests in the garden, fleas on pets and to keep bugs outside the home! It is non-toxic and useful! I have used it for all the applications above! A little goes a LONG way!This is a very useful substance that can be used to kill plant pests in the garden, fleas on pets and to keep bugs outside the home! It is non-toxic and useful! I have used it for all the applications above! A little goes a LONG way!
5 out of 5 stars.
May 09, 2018
Comentários 1
Voto 15
Sexo Feminino
Idade 65 ou mais
The best ever.
I have had unsightly acne since high school, when I discovered your product all that changed. Used as a scrub daily and a mask weekly, I now have almost flawless skin. Thank you.I have had unsightly acne since high school, when I discovered your product all that changed. Used as a scrub daily and a mask weekly, I now have almost flawless skin. Thank you.
5 out of 5 stars.
Jun 21, 2018
Comentários 3
Voto 16
Sexo Feminino
Idade 55 a 64
Worth a try....
This is my first purchase of diatomaceous earth. My freshly-planted vegetable garden was being devoured by slugs and chewing insects. I applied the DE solution as directed on the label. It is too early for me to discern if this will work consistently or over time...but my plants are recovering, and show no signs of further damage. I am glad I have this on hand for organic pest management around the house.This is my first purchase of diatomaceous earth. My freshly-planted vegetable garden was being devoured by slugs and chewing insects. I applied the DE solution as directed on the label. It is too early for me to discern if this will work consistently or over time...but my plants are recovering, and show no signs of further damage. I am glad I have this on hand for organic pest management around the house.
4 out of 5 stars.
Apr 03, 2018
Comentários 1
Voto 11
Sexo Masculino
Idade 35 a 44
Great detoxer
Purchased this item to help cleanse and detox every morning and feel 5x better. Make sure to put the lid on tight after use if you live in a humid area.Purchased this item to help cleanse and detox every morning and feel 5x better. Make sure to put the lid on tight after use if you live in a humid area.
Lighthouse Life
5 out of 5 stars.
Jul 11, 2017
Comentários 2
Voto 10
Sexo Feminino
Idade 55 a 64
Excellent in every way
I live in Australia and have purchased DE a number of times from Piping Rock. I have found the quality of their product, their customer service and fast shipping to be second to none. Would highly recommend.I live in Australia and have purchased DE a number of times from Piping Rock. I have found the quality of their product, their customer service and fast shipping to be second to none. Would highly recommend.
5 out of 5 stars.
Mar 20, 2018
Comentários 1
Voto 8
Sexo Masculino
Idade 45 a 54
Love it
I take the product everyday I love it I can feel it workingI take the product everyday I love it I can feel it working
5 out of 5 stars.
Oct 02, 2018
Comentários 1
Voto 6
Sexo Feminino
Idade 65 ou mais
the best
It really keeps the ants awayIt really keeps the ants away
5 out of 5 stars.
Aug 23, 2016
Comentários 1
Voto 6
Bought this product works good .fast shipping. I can't wait to order again from themBought this product works good .fast shipping. I can't wait to order again from them
Exibindo 1 - 8 de  48  resultados.