Limpeza máxima do cólon, 300 Cápsulas de Rápida Absorção

4304<h2><strong>Ultimate Colon Cleansing!</strong></h2> <p>Piping Rock Colon Cleansing&nbsp;is packed with amazing herbal ingredients!&nbsp;It features&nbsp;Cascara, Sagrada, Aloe Vera and Goldenseal, plus Citrus Pectin and Lactobacillus Acidophilus for added support.&nbsp;This formula is the&nbsp;complete cleanse you&#39;ve been looking for. Also, it&rsquo;s super convenient to take! Each serving is delivered in concentrated quick-release capsules that are tested for purity and potency,&nbsp;matching our exceptional standards.</p> <p>&dagger;These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.</p> <h2><strong>Piping Rock&rsquo;s Promise</strong></h2> <p>We proudly offer you our ever-growing selection of Vitamin &amp; Supplement products designed to help you achieve your wellness goals at the best value in the industry! The beauty lies in the depth of our assortment. Piping Rock carries hundreds of unique products for Men &amp; Women of all ages. Our advanced selection includes powders, softgels, liquids and organic formulas with premium ingredients, sourced from all over the globe. We&rsquo;re continuously adding Non-GMO, Vegan, Organic and Gluten Free options to meet all your nutritional needs. Our robust product line is evolving everyday as we consistently strive to give you the best.</p> <h2><strong>About Piping Rock&rsquo;s Quality</strong></h2> <p>You&rsquo;ve found your One-Stop-Shop for Vitamins &amp; Supplements at Piping Rock. Our exclusive formulas are crafted in our own &ldquo;GMP Certified&rdquo; manufacturing facilities. We verify Piping Rock products with third-party, FDA-registered agencies to ensure quality &amp; purity. Each product goes through hundreds of checks, in-process and post-production. Furthermore, we can assure you that everything that is on our label is consistent with what goes into our Vitamins &amp; Supplements. We guarantee purity, potency, safety and innovation in everything we do.</p>
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Limpeza máxima do cólon, 300 Cápsulas de Rápida Absorção

4304<h2><strong>Ultimate Colon Cleansing!</strong></h2> <p>Piping Rock Colon Cleansing&nbsp;is packed with amazing herbal ingredients!&nbsp;It features&nbsp;Cascara, Sagrada, Aloe Vera and Goldenseal, plus Citrus Pectin and Lactobacillus Acidophilus for added support.&nbsp;This formula is the&nbsp;complete cleanse you&#39;ve been looking for. Also, it&rsquo;s super convenient to take! Each serving is delivered in concentrated quick-release capsules that are tested for purity and potency,&nbsp;matching our exceptional standards.</p> <p>&dagger;These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.</p> <h2><strong>Piping Rock&rsquo;s Promise</strong></h2> <p>We proudly offer you our ever-growing selection of Vitamin &amp; Supplement products designed to help you achieve your wellness goals at the best value in the industry! The beauty lies in the depth of our assortment. Piping Rock carries hundreds of unique products for Men &amp; Women of all ages. Our advanced selection includes powders, softgels, liquids and organic formulas with premium ingredients, sourced from all over the globe. We&rsquo;re continuously adding Non-GMO, Vegan, Organic and Gluten Free options to meet all your nutritional needs. Our robust product line is evolving everyday as we consistently strive to give you the best.</p> <h2><strong>About Piping Rock&rsquo;s Quality</strong></h2> <p>You&rsquo;ve found your One-Stop-Shop for Vitamins &amp; Supplements at Piping Rock. Our exclusive formulas are crafted in our own &ldquo;GMP Certified&rdquo; manufacturing facilities. We verify Piping Rock products with third-party, FDA-registered agencies to ensure quality &amp; purity. Each product goes through hundreds of checks, in-process and post-production. Furthermore, we can assure you that everything that is on our label is consistent with what goes into our Vitamins &amp; Supplements. We guarantee purity, potency, safety and innovation in everything we do.</p>
4.6 out of 5 stars. 52 Comentários de clientes
52 Comentários de clientes52
Tamanho: 1 | 300 Cápsulas de Rápida Absorção - Em stock
Superior Quality Image
Todos os preços incluem impostos
Garantia de 1 Ano de 100% de Satisfação com Zero Risco
Fabricado nos EUA,

Mais Informações

Ultimate Colon Cleansing!

Piping Rock Colon Cleansing is packed with amazing herbal ingredients! It features Cascara, Sagrada, Aloe Vera and Goldenseal, plus Citrus Pectin and Lactobacillus Acidophilus for added support. This formula is the complete cleanse you've been looking for. Also, it’s super convenient to take! Each serving is delivered in concentrated quick-release capsules that are tested for purity and potency, matching our exceptional standards.

†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Piping Rock’s Promise

We proudly offer you our ever-growing selection of Vitamin & Supplement products designed to help you achieve your wellness goals at the best value in the industry! The beauty lies in the depth of our assortment. Piping Rock carries hundreds of unique products for Men & Women of all ages. Our advanced selection includes powders, softgels, liquids and organic formulas with premium ingredients, sourced from all over the globe. We’re continuously adding Non-GMO, Vegan, Organic and Gluten Free options to meet all your nutritional needs. Our robust product line is evolving everyday as we consistently strive to give you the best.

About Piping Rock’s Quality

You’ve found your One-Stop-Shop for Vitamins & Supplements at Piping Rock. Our exclusive formulas are crafted in our own “GMP Certified” manufacturing facilities. We verify Piping Rock products with third-party, FDA-registered agencies to ensure quality & purity. Each product goes through hundreds of checks, in-process and post-production. Furthermore, we can assure you that everything that is on our label is consistent with what goes into our Vitamins & Supplements. We guarantee purity, potency, safety and innovation in everything we do.

Factos sobre suplementos

  • Tamanho da dose:  6 Cápsulas de Rápida Absorção
  • Doses por embalagem:  50
product Montante
por dose
% Valor
Calorias 10
Carboidratos totais 2 g <1 %*
      Fibra dietética 2 g 7 %*
      Fibra solúvel 2 g
Casca de semente de psyllium (Plantago ovata) 2,860 mg
Pectina cítrica 12 mg
Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) (raiz) (de 3 mg de extrato a 4:1) 12 mg
Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) (casca) 12 mg
Extrato de Aloe Vera a 200:1 (Aloe barbadensis) (gel de folha interna) 12 mg
Gengibre (Zingiber officinale) (raiz) 12 mg
Lactobacillus acidophilus 5 mg

Outros ingredientes:

Cápsula de gelatina, Pó de arroz, Estearato de magnésio vegetal


Para adultos, tomar 4 a 6 cápsulas de alta absorção 1 a 3 vezes ao dia, de preferência acompanhando as refeições. Comece com 1 porção por dia e aumente gradualmente para 3 porções por dia. Para obter os melhores resultados, beba 6 a 8 copos de líquido durante o dia.


AVISO: Tome este produto com 235 ml de líquido. Ingerir este produto sem líquido adequado pode causar sufocamento. Não utilize este produto se você tem dificuldade para engolir. Se você sentir dor no peito, vômitos ou dificuldade para engolir ou respirar depois de tomar este produto, procure atendimento médico imediato. Não ingerir antes de dormir. Produtos de fibra podem afetar a absorção de muitos medicamentos. Não tome este produto dentro de 1,5 horas após tomar medicamentos.


Não indicado para uso por gestantes ou lactantes. Evite este produto se você tem alergia a levedura. Se ocorrer alguma reação adversa, interrompa imediatamente o uso deste produto e consulte o seu médico. Não indicado para uso em indivíduos menores de 18 anos. Se o selo sob a tampa estiver danificado ou ausente, não use o produto. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças. Armazenar em local fresco e seco. Este produto contém Cascara Sagrada (Rhamus purshiana). Leia e siga as instruções rigorosamente. Não use se você tiver ou desenvolver diarreia, fezes soltas ou dor abdominal, pois a Cascara Sagrada pode agravar e ser prejudicial à saúde. Consulte seu médico caso tenha diarreia frequente ou se estiver gestante, amamentando, tomando medicação ou sofrer de alguma doença crônica.

A paixão pela qualidade da PipingRock é garantida pelo seu sistema interno de testes analíticos avançados

A PipingRock garante uma qualidade superior aos produtos porque ela mesma projeta, fabrica e testa os suplementos em suas instalações ultra-modernas.

Compromisso Zero Transgênicos

Na PipingRock, a sua saúde é prioridade absoluta. Organismos Genéticamente Modificados (transgênicos) estão presentes em muitos suplementos dietéticos, mesmo que não haja comprovação de segurança no consumo. A PipingRock está comprometida em adicionar continuamente uma ampla gama de produtos não-transgênicos, fornecendo qualidade premium sem nenhum risco potencial de modificação genética.

Satisfação 100% Garantida

Temos um compromisso com a qualidade dos nossos produtos. Se você não estiver satisfeito(a) com seu produto PipingRock por quaisquer motivos, emitiremos um reembolso de acordo com nossa Política de Devolução.

Limpeza máxima do cólon, 300 Cápsulas de Rápida Absorção

4304<h2><strong>Ultimate Colon Cleansing!</strong></h2> <p>Piping Rock Colon Cleansing&nbsp;is packed with amazing herbal ingredients!&nbsp;It features&nbsp;Cascara, Sagrada, Aloe Vera and Goldenseal, plus Citrus Pectin and Lactobacillus Acidophilus for added support.&nbsp;This formula is the&nbsp;complete cleanse you&#39;ve been looking for. Also, it&rsquo;s super convenient to take! Each serving is delivered in concentrated quick-release capsules that are tested for purity and potency,&nbsp;matching our exceptional standards.</p> <p>&dagger;These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.</p> <h2><strong>Piping Rock&rsquo;s Promise</strong></h2> <p>We proudly offer you our ever-growing selection of Vitamin &amp; Supplement products designed to help you achieve your wellness goals at the best value in the industry! The beauty lies in the depth of our assortment. Piping Rock carries hundreds of unique products for Men &amp; Women of all ages. Our advanced selection includes powders, softgels, liquids and organic formulas with premium ingredients, sourced from all over the globe. We&rsquo;re continuously adding Non-GMO, Vegan, Organic and Gluten Free options to meet all your nutritional needs. Our robust product line is evolving everyday as we consistently strive to give you the best.</p> <h2><strong>About Piping Rock&rsquo;s Quality</strong></h2> <p>You&rsquo;ve found your One-Stop-Shop for Vitamins &amp; Supplements at Piping Rock. Our exclusive formulas are crafted in our own &ldquo;GMP Certified&rdquo; manufacturing facilities. We verify Piping Rock products with third-party, FDA-registered agencies to ensure quality &amp; purity. Each product goes through hundreds of checks, in-process and post-production. Furthermore, we can assure you that everything that is on our label is consistent with what goes into our Vitamins &amp; Supplements. We guarantee purity, potency, safety and innovation in everything we do.</p>
Open full size image

Limpeza máxima do cólon, 300 Cápsulas de Rápida Absorção

4304<h2><strong>Ultimate Colon Cleansing!</strong></h2> <p>Piping Rock Colon Cleansing&nbsp;is packed with amazing herbal ingredients!&nbsp;It features&nbsp;Cascara, Sagrada, Aloe Vera and Goldenseal, plus Citrus Pectin and Lactobacillus Acidophilus for added support.&nbsp;This formula is the&nbsp;complete cleanse you&#39;ve been looking for. Also, it&rsquo;s super convenient to take! Each serving is delivered in concentrated quick-release capsules that are tested for purity and potency,&nbsp;matching our exceptional standards.</p> <p>&dagger;These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.</p> <h2><strong>Piping Rock&rsquo;s Promise</strong></h2> <p>We proudly offer you our ever-growing selection of Vitamin &amp; Supplement products designed to help you achieve your wellness goals at the best value in the industry! The beauty lies in the depth of our assortment. Piping Rock carries hundreds of unique products for Men &amp; Women of all ages. Our advanced selection includes powders, softgels, liquids and organic formulas with premium ingredients, sourced from all over the globe. We&rsquo;re continuously adding Non-GMO, Vegan, Organic and Gluten Free options to meet all your nutritional needs. Our robust product line is evolving everyday as we consistently strive to give you the best.</p> <h2><strong>About Piping Rock&rsquo;s Quality</strong></h2> <p>You&rsquo;ve found your One-Stop-Shop for Vitamins &amp; Supplements at Piping Rock. Our exclusive formulas are crafted in our own &ldquo;GMP Certified&rdquo; manufacturing facilities. We verify Piping Rock products with third-party, FDA-registered agencies to ensure quality &amp; purity. Each product goes through hundreds of checks, in-process and post-production. Furthermore, we can assure you that everything that is on our label is consistent with what goes into our Vitamins &amp; Supplements. We guarantee purity, potency, safety and innovation in everything we do.</p>
4.6 out of 5 stars. 52 Comentários de clientes
52 Comentários de clientes52
Tamanho: 1 | 300 Cápsulas de Rápida Absorção - Em stock

Nossos clientes amam o valor e qualidade da PipingRock!

4.6rate(52) Comentários de clientes

Classificações e Comentários (52)

4.6 out of 5 stars. 52 Comentários de clientes
52 Comentários de clientes
5 estrela
4 estrela
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1-8 de 52 Comentários de clientes
5 out of 5 stars.
Nov 05, 2015
Comentários 2
Voto 13
Sexo Masculino
Idade 65 ou mais
No problem. I like the product. Took care of the essentials without any stomach upset. Great job.No problem. I like the product. Took care of the essentials without any stomach upset. Great job.
5 out of 5 stars.
Oct 12, 2018
Comentários 1
Voto 7
Sexo Masculino
Idade 45 a 54
Best yet !!
Found this site by accident on the web and placed a small order as I was not familiar , I was delighted with the products and speedy delivered and then placed a larger order .... prices were great and very prompt delivery followed by a good product ... what more needs to be said !!!Found this site by accident on the web and placed a small order as I was not familiar , I was delighted with the products and speedy delivered and then placed a larger order .... prices were great and very prompt delivery followed by a good product ... what more needs to be said !!!
5 out of 5 stars.
Dec 29, 2014
Comentários 2
Voto 27
Sexo Feminino
Idade 45 a 54
Works like magic
I am a repeat buyer of this for over 1 year. Helps keep me normal.I am a repeat buyer of this for over 1 year. Helps keep me normal.
5 out of 5 stars.
Oct 26, 2018
Comentários 13
Voto 45
Sexo Feminino
Idade 65 ou mais
Excellent Product!
I have been using Piping Rock Products for several years now, all I have tried have proven to be good products doing what they said they would do. When Bio-feedback tested, the products were doing their job. Good company.I have been using Piping Rock Products for several years now, all I have tried have proven to be good products doing what they said they would do. When Bio-feedback tested, the products were doing their job. Good company.
5 out of 5 stars.
Dec 21, 2015
Comentários 14
Voto 85
Sexo Masculino
Idade 35 a 44
Does the job
I've been taking this for about a month and it has exceeded my expectations just like everything else I get from piping rock keep up the great work PRI've been taking this for about a month and it has exceeded my expectations just like everything else I get from piping rock keep up the great work PR
5 out of 5 stars.
Nov 05, 2018
Comentários 2
Voto 8
Sexo Masculino
Idade 55 a 64
Great daily fiber supplement.
My wife and I take one of these 3x daily - one with each meal. Works well to up your fiber, something even healthy eating people usually don't get enough of.My wife and I take one of these 3x daily - one with each meal. Works well to up your fiber, something even healthy eating people usually don't get enough of.
customer 1048
5 out of 5 stars.
Mar 30, 2018
Comentários 1
Voto 4
Sexo Feminino
Idade 65 ou mais
Love it!
Quick, gentle laxative effect with convenient online shoppingQuick, gentle laxative effect with convenient online shopping
5 out of 5 stars.
Mar 23, 2017
Comentários 2
Voto 12
Sexo Masculino
Idade 55 a 64
Great colon cleanser
I highly recommend this product. It comes with a very generous supply and most important, it works very well.I highly recommend this product. It comes with a very generous supply and most important, it works very well.
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