Fruta e vegetais para a vida, 250 Cápsulas vegetarianas

7073<h2 class="body-more-heading-third">34 Fruits &amp; Vegetables in Just 1 Capsule</h2> <p>Let&rsquo;s face it: sometimes it simply isn&rsquo;t feasible to achieve the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables. When it comes to our busy lifestyles, budgets and even taste preferences, our nutrition, unfortunately, tends to be the one to take the hit. Now, you can help to supplement those lacking nutrients with Piping Rock&rsquo;s Fruit &amp; Veggies for Life capsules!</p> <p>Featuring a specially formulated blend of 34 extracts from nature&rsquo;s healthiest fruits and vegetables, each fruit and vegetable capsule delivers potent nutrition for the whole family. Support your body&rsquo;s entire well-being with beneficial essential vitamins and minerals found in tomatoes, broccoli, spirulina, black cherries and more!</p>
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Fruta e vegetais para a vida, 250 Cápsulas vegetarianas

7073<h2 class="body-more-heading-third">34 Fruits &amp; Vegetables in Just 1 Capsule</h2> <p>Let&rsquo;s face it: sometimes it simply isn&rsquo;t feasible to achieve the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables. When it comes to our busy lifestyles, budgets and even taste preferences, our nutrition, unfortunately, tends to be the one to take the hit. Now, you can help to supplement those lacking nutrients with Piping Rock&rsquo;s Fruit &amp; Veggies for Life capsules!</p> <p>Featuring a specially formulated blend of 34 extracts from nature&rsquo;s healthiest fruits and vegetables, each fruit and vegetable capsule delivers potent nutrition for the whole family. Support your body&rsquo;s entire well-being with beneficial essential vitamins and minerals found in tomatoes, broccoli, spirulina, black cherries and more!</p>
4.7 out of 5 stars. 237 Comentários de clientes
237 Comentários de clientes237
Tamanho: 1 | 250 Cápsulas vegetarianas - Em stock
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Todos os preços incluem impostos
Garantia de 1 Ano de 100% de Satisfação com Zero Risco
Fabricado nos EUA,

Mais Informações

34 Fruits & Vegetables in Just 1 Capsule

Let’s face it: sometimes it simply isn’t feasible to achieve the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables. When it comes to our busy lifestyles, budgets and even taste preferences, our nutrition, unfortunately, tends to be the one to take the hit. Now, you can help to supplement those lacking nutrients with Piping Rock’s Fruit & Veggies for Life capsules!

Featuring a specially formulated blend of 34 extracts from nature’s healthiest fruits and vegetables, each fruit and vegetable capsule delivers potent nutrition for the whole family. Support your body’s entire well-being with beneficial essential vitamins and minerals found in tomatoes, broccoli, spirulina, black cherries and more!

Factos sobre suplementos

  • Tamanho da dose:  2 Cápsulas vegetarianas
  • Doses por embalagem:  125
product Montante
por dose
% Valor
Mix de 32 Frutas e Legumes, contém 1,180 mg *
Mix de 14 Legumes
Spirulina, Alfafa, Soja, Cenoura, Couve, Brócolis, Chlorella, Alcachofra, Espinafre, Aspargos, Repolho, Semente de aipo, Alho, Beterraba
Mistura de 18 frutas
Tomate, Pectina de maçã, Oxicoco, Laranja, Mirtilo, Acerola, Morango, Abacaxi, Mamão, Pêssego, Noni, Cereja preta, Cereja azeda, Sabugueiro, Casca de uva, Semente de uva, Pimenta caiena, Romã

Outros ingredientes:

Pó de arroz, Cápsula vegetariana, Estearato de magnésio vegetal, Sílica


Para adultos, tomar 2 cápsulas vegetarianas 2 a 3 vezes ao dia, de preferência com refeições.


Se estiver gestante, amamentando ou tomando algum medicamento ou sofrer de alguma doença crônica, consulte o seu médico antes de usar. Se ocorrer alguma reação adversa, interrompa imediatamente o uso deste produto e consulte o seu médico. Se o selo sob a tampa estiver danificado ou ausente, não use o produto. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças. Armazenar em local fresco e seco.

Outras informações:

Contém ingredientes de soja.

A paixão pela qualidade da PipingRock é garantida pelo seu sistema interno de testes analíticos avançados

A PipingRock garante uma qualidade superior aos produtos porque ela mesma projeta, fabrica e testa os suplementos em suas instalações ultra-modernas.

Compromisso Zero Transgênicos

Na PipingRock, a sua saúde é prioridade absoluta. Organismos Genéticamente Modificados (transgênicos) estão presentes em muitos suplementos dietéticos, mesmo que não haja comprovação de segurança no consumo. A PipingRock está comprometida em adicionar continuamente uma ampla gama de produtos não-transgênicos, fornecendo qualidade premium sem nenhum risco potencial de modificação genética.

Satisfação 100% Garantida

Temos um compromisso com a qualidade dos nossos produtos. Se você não estiver satisfeito(a) com seu produto PipingRock por quaisquer motivos, emitiremos um reembolso de acordo com nossa Política de Devolução.

Fruta e vegetais para a vida, 250 Cápsulas vegetarianas

7073<h2 class="body-more-heading-third">34 Fruits &amp; Vegetables in Just 1 Capsule</h2> <p>Let&rsquo;s face it: sometimes it simply isn&rsquo;t feasible to achieve the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables. When it comes to our busy lifestyles, budgets and even taste preferences, our nutrition, unfortunately, tends to be the one to take the hit. Now, you can help to supplement those lacking nutrients with Piping Rock&rsquo;s Fruit &amp; Veggies for Life capsules!</p> <p>Featuring a specially formulated blend of 34 extracts from nature&rsquo;s healthiest fruits and vegetables, each fruit and vegetable capsule delivers potent nutrition for the whole family. Support your body&rsquo;s entire well-being with beneficial essential vitamins and minerals found in tomatoes, broccoli, spirulina, black cherries and more!</p>
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Fruta e vegetais para a vida, 250 Cápsulas vegetarianas

7073<h2 class="body-more-heading-third">34 Fruits &amp; Vegetables in Just 1 Capsule</h2> <p>Let&rsquo;s face it: sometimes it simply isn&rsquo;t feasible to achieve the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables. When it comes to our busy lifestyles, budgets and even taste preferences, our nutrition, unfortunately, tends to be the one to take the hit. Now, you can help to supplement those lacking nutrients with Piping Rock&rsquo;s Fruit &amp; Veggies for Life capsules!</p> <p>Featuring a specially formulated blend of 34 extracts from nature&rsquo;s healthiest fruits and vegetables, each fruit and vegetable capsule delivers potent nutrition for the whole family. Support your body&rsquo;s entire well-being with beneficial essential vitamins and minerals found in tomatoes, broccoli, spirulina, black cherries and more!</p>
4.7 out of 5 stars. 237 Comentários de clientes
237 Comentários de clientes237
Tamanho: 1 | 250 Cápsulas vegetarianas - Em stock

Nossos clientes amam o valor e qualidade da PipingRock!

4.7rate(237) Comentários de clientes

Classificações e Comentários (237)

4.7 out of 5 stars. 237 Comentários de clientes
237 Comentários de clientes
5 estrela
4 estrela
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1-8 de 237 Comentários de clientes
5 out of 5 stars.
Jul 08, 2014
Comentários 2
Voto 32
Sexo Masculino
Idade 55 a 64
IT Works
IT WORKS Within A Week I And My Wife Were Feeling Much Better Than We Have Felt In Twenty Years !!!!!!IT WORKS Within A Week I And My Wife Were Feeling Much Better Than We Have Felt In Twenty Years !!!!!!
4 out of 5 stars.
Jun 24, 2014
Comentários 3
Voto 27
Sexo Feminino
Idade 25 a 34
Love it!
I bought this a month ago to add to my diet. I don't like to eat some fruits. And I can't add more varieties of vegetables. Since the capsules are made from beef, I remove the powder content and mix it with juice. There is an after taste though. I have more energy and my skin has improved. Not sure if all credit is due to this because I am also taking Maca.I bought this a month ago to add to my diet. I don't like to eat some fruits. And I can't add more varieties of vegetables. Since the capsules are made from beef, I remove the powder content and mix it with juice. There is an after taste though. I have more energy and my skin has improved. Not sure if all credit is due to this because I am also taking Maca.
5 out of 5 stars.
Oct 06, 2016
Comentários 1
Voto 16
Sexo Feminino
Idade 45 a 54
I feel energized!! Never ever get rid of them item!!! Please!!!I feel energized!! Never ever get rid of them item!!! Please!!!
5 out of 5 stars.
Mar 16, 2019
Comentários 7
Voto 26
Sexo Masculino
Idade 45 a 54
Great Fruit and Veggie FInd!
I really like this product and use it with Piping Rock's whole food mutli-vit with what is consider great success. My wife, who eats horribly, made to comment that those new Veggie pills make me fell better and have more energy! Enough would be said if you knew her eating habits.I really like this product and use it with Piping Rock's whole food mutli-vit with what is consider great success. My wife, who eats horribly, made to comment that those new Veggie pills make me fell better and have more energy! Enough would be said if you knew her eating habits.
5 out of 5 stars.
Jan 05, 2017
Comentários 1
Voto 11
Sexo Feminino
Idade 45 a 54
No one gets to eat in one day more than several fruits and vegetables. These capsules contain fruits and vegetables, which we do not eat at all or eat a small amount of life. I am very pleased to receive these capsules for my family I know that in our lives is not enough vitamin. The capsules I get a full set of additional lifeNo one gets to eat in one day more than several fruits and vegetables. These capsules contain fruits and vegetables, which we do not eat at all or eat a small amount of life. I am very pleased to receive these capsules for my family I know that in our lives is not enough vitamin. The capsules I get a full set of additional life
5 out of 5 stars.
May 21, 2017
Comentários 2
Voto 12
Sexo Masculino
Idade 55 a 64
Exceptional supplement
Bought to supplement my fruit and veggie intake. Found the product to be very good and will definitely buy again. I used to by exclusively buy another brand, until I found Piping Rock. Their quality and value changed my mind.Bought to supplement my fruit and veggie intake. Found the product to be very good and will definitely buy again. I used to by exclusively buy another brand, until I found Piping Rock. Their quality and value changed my mind.
5 out of 5 stars.
Aug 17, 2019
Comentários 5
Voto 16
Sexo Feminino
Idade 35 a 44
So happy to find this product, works so well i can now eat foods with Gluten without suffering the horrible sideaffects i used to. Love it and will continue ordering itSo happy to find this product, works so well i can now eat foods with Gluten without suffering the horrible sideaffects i used to. Love it and will continue ordering it
5 out of 5 stars.
Jul 15, 2019
Comentários 4
Voto 11
Sexo Feminino
Idade 45 a 54
I love it !
I have been taking this Fruit and Veggies for two years and although I like fruits and vegetables, I know I don't eat enough of them and this helps me get a higher quantity. I am very happy with the quality of Piping Rock products including their essential oils.I have been taking this Fruit and Veggies for two years and although I like fruits and vegetables, I know I don't eat enough of them and this helps me get a higher quantity. I am very happy with the quality of Piping Rock products including their essential oils.
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